The lovely little church of St Mary & St Lawrence, Rosedale Abbey, is being decorated on the theme of 'Life in Rosedale', reflecting its country setting, its past as a Cistercian nunnery and current Christian life, and a wealth of local history and archaeology ranging from iron mining to glass working.

Opening with a Preview Evening from 6.30pm on Friday September 14th with ukulele entertainment by a small group of the Eskulele players from the Esk Valley (contributions at the door; everyone very welcome), the Festival will run until Saturday 22nd when it will culminate in a Harvest Festival Service, conducted by our Vicar, Father Bill Godfrey. A bring and share Harvest Supper will follow.

Everyone is welcome to visit (opening times 10.00am to 5.00pm daily, Saturday 15th - Sunday 23rd) and to join us in the Harvest Festival.

Proceeds will support our investment of over £85,000 in essential roof repairs to secure the church's future. Please help us achieve our goal!

Contact Lorraine Dale on 01751 417071 or email:

Flower Festival @ Rosedale Abbey