You are invited to an evening of popular and light classical music played by Nigel Ogden, presenter of BBC Radio 2’s ‘The Organist Entertains’, on the St.Felix’s historically important German Walcker Organ.

This year as a special feature, there will be screens at the front of the church so that whilst listening to the concert everyone will be able to see the organ being played.

All ticket admission – Towards Felixkirk and Boltby Church Funds

Tickets £12 with no concessions

For tickets contact. -

Alan Parsons 01845 522166

Barrie Sidebottom 01845 597359

Alec Hornsby 01845 597413

Penny Bell 01609 883581

Bob Hunter 01845 597453

Nigel Ogden of ‘The Organist Entertains’ at St.Felix’s, Felixkirk