Our Diocesan Director of Training for Missional Ministry, the Revd Dr Gavin Wakefield, has written two new titles for Grove Books: Doing Evangelism Ethically and The Wise Pastor: Learning from Gregory the Great’s ‘Pastoral Rule’.

Doing Evangelism Ethically is a much needed examination of the ethics of evangelism. Evangelism is central to the great commission that Jesus gave to his followers, to make disciples of all nations. Yet in some circles it has become a dirty word, with objections of arrogance, coercion and manipulation levelled against some of its forms. In such a context, formulating an ethical approach to evangelism has never been more vital. Gavin’s timely study examines some of the concerns raised by critics, and sets out key principles for ethical evangelism. He argues that ultimately, evangelism will respect the person when Christians are themselves grounded in the love of God and seeking to become ever more Christlike disciples.

In The Wise Pastor: Learning from Gregory the Great’s ‘Pastoral Rule’ Gavin explores how appropriate and wise leadership is vital in any type of pastoral ministry, and all the more so in times of change. Gregory the Great’s ‘Pastoral Rule’ was written in just such a context of unsettled times and, partly due to its unfamiliarity, can offer new and unique insights to us today. Gavin explores the life of Gregory before exploring his influential work in depth, drawing out wisdom and advice for leaders and their pastoral practice. This book is a must for anyone in church leadership, or who exploring a vocation to ministry.

You can find Gavin’s books online at www.grovebooks.co.uk or by emailing sales@grovebooks.co.uk. Titles, normally 28 pages, cost £3.95 post-free in the UK.