We regret to announce the death of the Revd Don (Donald) Humphries from Beverley. Don was a member of St Mary's church, having spent his final retirement years in Beverley. Don spent over 25 years in ordained ministry before retiring early through ill health yet his active commitments to various Christian communities continued long into retirement.

After serving his curacy in St Stephen’s Selly Hill in Birmingham, where he began to develop his own personal vision for youth ministry in the Church of England, Don went on to become chaplain at the University of Warwick in 1974. By the time he went to Christ Church Bedford in 1979, and finally to Holy Trinity Cambridge, he was leading CYFA holiday ‘houseparties’ (latterly called ‘ventures’).

Since Don has died his family have been overwhelmed by the memories and kindness shown from friends and those with whom he worked across the years. Don enjoyed his final years in Yorkshire and leaves behind his three daughters and his wife Sarah.