Through its meetings, members of Archbishop's Council offer advice to the Archbishop of York, and also serve as members of two decision-making bodies.

Archbishop's Council is also the Diocesan Pastoral & Mission Committee and its members, with the exception of those marked *, also serve as the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Board of Finance.

The current members of the Archbishop's Council are:


  • Archbishop of York - The Most Revd & Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell
  • Bishop of Whitby - The Rt Revd Paul Ferguson (Vice-Chairman)
  • Bishop of Selby - The Rt Revd Dr John Thomson
  • Bishop of Hull - The Rt Revd Dr Eleanor Sanderson
  • Archdeacon of Cleveland -The Ven Dr Amanda Bloor
  • Archdeacon of East Riding - The Ven Andy Broom
  • Archdeacon of York - The Ven Sam Rushton
  • Diocesan Secretary & Chief Executive - Canon Peter Warry*
  • Chair of the House of Clergy - The Revd Richard Walker
  • Chair of the House of Laity - Dr Nick Land
  • Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance - Mr Rodney Barton


  • The Revd Liz Hassall
  • The Revd Becky Lumley
  • The Revd Fiona Mayer-Jones
  • The Revd Canon Sue Sheriff


  • Miss Karen Banks
  • Canon Ros Brewer
  • Dr Gill Boag-Munroe
  • Dr Neill Burgess
  • Dr Diane Craven
  • Mr Dave Millican
  • Dr Graham Parr
  • Dr Tim Scott


  • Mr Ben Hudson


  • Assistant Diocesan Secretary – Ms Shirley Davies
  • Director of Finance – Ms Kathryn Rose
  • Archbishop’s Chaplain – The Revd Dr Jenny Wright
  • Registrar – Ms Louise Connacher
  • Director of Education – Mr Andrew Smith
  • Director of Mission and Ministry
    – The Revd Dr Ian McIntosh
  • Director of Communications & Parish Resourcing
    – Mr Martin Sheppard
  • Minutes – Mrs Kirsty McCullough

The members of the Archbishop's Council plan the business of the Synod, initiate proposals for action by the Synod and advise it on matters of policy. Much of the detailed work of the Council is undertaken in these sub-committees:

The Property Sub-Committee

The Property Sub-Committee is made up of members of the Archbishop’s Council and representatives from the Archdeaconries, together with four people co-opted for their relevant expertise. It has been delegated most of the statutory responsibilities that fall on dioceses under the Repair of Benefices Measure 1972. This means that it is responsible for looking after the clergy housing across the diocese.

Members are involved in approving expenditure, within the budgets agreed by Diocesan Synod, on Parsonage properties and developing policies in relation to the specification and occupancy of Parsonage houses.

The committee is also responsible for the management of land and buildings held by the DBF either as Diocesan or Glebe property. Glebe was historically land given to the church to generate income to pay stipends and, as an endowment fund (i.e. the capital must be preserved), continues to be used for that purpose. The diocese employs professional land agents to look after our interests on a day to day basis.

The committee also advises on matters relating to PCC held land & buildings, for which the DBF is legally the Custodian Trustee (for example Church Halls and PCC owned houses).

The Pastoral & Mission Sub-Committee

The Pastoral & Mission Sub-Committee acts for the Archbishop’s Council on any matter referred to it under the Dioceses, Pastoral & Mission Measure. In practice it carries out most of the responsibilities identified under the measure including reviewing the arrangements for pastoral supervision in the diocese (including the deployment of clergy). Membership of the sub-committee includes representatives of Archbishop’s Council and elected members from each Archdeaconry. The Ecumenical Officers are also in attendance at meetings.

The committee considers proposals for pastoral reorganisation and oversees the ongoing development of Local Ecumenical Partnerships and new initiatives established under Bishop’s Mission Orders. It makes recommendations to the Archbishop’s Council relating to the retention or disposal of Parsonage properties under Pastoral Measure or Parsonage Measure provisions and oversees the processes for closing and then managing those churches no longer open for regular public worship.

The Finance Sub-Committee

The day to day management of Diocesan finances is carried out by the Finance Manager and her team in line with policies formulated by the Archbishop’s Council sitting as the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Board of Finance. The work of the Finance Team is reported to the Finance Sub-Committee, and through reports of each meeting of the Finance Sub-Committee, to the Archbishop’s Council.

The Finance Sub-Committee provides specific expertise and oversight through receiving and monitoring the Management Accounts and rolling forecasts. They are responsible for the overseeing the preparation and presentation of the draft budget and the operation of the Common Fund including the Share Allocation procedures. Advised by professional Investment Brokers they monitor investment performance and recommend investment strategies to the DBF and act for the DBF in its capacity as Custodian Trustee in relation to endowment funds held on behalf of PCCs and Diocesan charities.

Members of the sub-committee (who include directors of the DBF and others nominated for their financial expertise) support the Finance Team and the rest of the directors of the DBF in the management and sound governance of the DBF as a charitable company.