These forums give Church school governors the opportunity to learn about new guidance and initiatives, explore existing responsibilities and share best practice. Education Team Officers will provide a question and answer session to meet the current needs of foundation governors and chairs.

Booking – none required. All sessions are held via Zoom with details for each session being circulated in the Monday email (which is circulated to Headteachers).


• This package is provided free of charge for schools in the service level agreement

• For schools not in the service level agreement there is a cost of £150 per year

Other sessions;

• Wednesday 17th November 2021,7.00-8.00pm

• Thursday 27th January 2022, 2.00-3.00pm or 7.00-8.00pm

• Tuesday 29th March 2022, 2.00-3.00pm or 7.00-8.00pm

• Thursday 19th May 2022, 2.00-3.00pm or 7.00-8.00pm

• Tuesday 5th July 2022, 2.00-3.00pm or 7.00-8.00pm