For many of us conflict can be painful and exhausting. In some cases it can escalate and seem to take on a life of its own. Conflict can take the joy out of ministry. Yet conflict can be a necessary part of change and, when approached confidently, can have creative, even transformative, results. During this day we will look at: • Causes of conflict • Our own responses to conflict • Ways of handling conflict and using it to transform the status quo. We will reflect on Biblical and theological perspectives on conflict and examine the physiological and cognitive aspects of anger that contribute to it. Led by Sam Rushton is Archdeacon of Cleveland and Andrew De Smet is a parish priest in North Yorkshire and Diocesan Adviser in Pastoral Care, a trained mediator, and BACP accredited counsellor/psychotherapist. The session is open to anyone involved in ministry or pastoral care, clergy, Readers, Youth and Family Workers, RPAs, Church Wardens.

There is no charge for the session but you need to book a place. Lunch is provided.
Handling Conflict Well