'Come and See' is the Northern Bishops’ Mission to the Diocese of York, led by the Archbishop of York and taking place from 12th to 15th March 2020.

'Come and See' is an opportunity for us to unite in local mission and evangelism; we pray, we invite, we celebrate and we offer hospitality, all in the power of the Holy Spirit, telling the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We will be joined by about 30 bishops, each with a small team of lay people, children and youth workers and clergy; each bishop will be allocated to a deanery.

How can we make the most of 'Come and See' in every parish and every neighbourhood?

Training events have been organised for Deanery representatives and others who want to be inspiring and encouraging others between now and then, and there is one event with the ebullient Canon Robin Gamble that is open to all.

Diocesan Director of Training for Missional Ministry the Revd Gavin Wakefield says, "These are sessions to make the most of the upcoming Mission and consider the possibilities and opportunities that the Mission gives."

All the events are free to attend but numbers are limited so please register at
dioceseofyork-training.eventbrite.co.uk (or use individual links as below)

Archdeaconry 'Come and See' Training Days

'Doing Come and See as well as we can'
With LYCiG's Canon Robin Gamble

For latest news, events and resources keep an eye on comeandsee.uk.

How can we make the most of the 'Come and See' Mission in 2020?