Summer Solstice Mini-Retreat with Revd Elizabeth Baxter and Members of the Community

Wednesday 20th (4pm) to Friday 22nd (after coffee) June 2018


The gardens at Holy Rood House and Thorpe House are bursting with beauty and colour beckoning us in - to notice and to pay attention. This mini-retreat will be an opportunity to do just that on the longest day of the year and watch the sun go down.

Weather permitting we will spend much of the day outside, as well as exploring ideas of inside and outside and the movement of the Spirit as we make connections between the gardens and the houses. Sharing liturgy, poetry and music we will seek healing for our lives, and for the planet. During the retreat we will have times of rest and relaxation, with an opportunity for a walk through wondrous wild flower paths down by the river.

Come, feel the space;

be gathered up

in garden hospitality and hope.

Find something her to touch your life;

to shape your dreams

to speak of 'home'

(taken from the Holy Rood House Community Prayer)

For more information or to book your place click here.

Summer Solstice Mini-Retreat