Taizé is an ecumenical monastery in France that every year attracts over 100,000 young people from around the world to visit and join the community of brothers. Between 4-11th August, a group of 15-29 year olds from the UK are going to Taizé and we’d love for you to join us!

Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElqXwBciy3A to see a little bit of what the week will be like!

It’s just £65 for your food and accommodation for the week - youth groups are also welcome to come with us! (Youth leaders can be 30+!)

For more information please contact Charlotte Peckett at Hull Minster or attend one of the 'Info nights' listed below

Info nights on 17th and 26th Jan at 7pm in Hull Minster Parish Centre (contact charlotte@hullminster.org if you’d like to skype into the meeting)
Special info night for youth leaders on 5th Feb – email charlotte@hullminster.org if interested (skyping also possible)

Taizé Prayers and Q&A with a brother from Taizé at 7pm on Tuesday 19th March.