Archdeacons' Visitation News is an annual collaboration between Ecclesiastical Insurance Office PLC (EIO) and the Diocese of York, full of local and national advice and resources for the volunteers who take responsibility for their parish churches.

It's printed by EIO for distribution to Churchwardens at the Archdeacons' Visitation Services which are the traditional annual occasion for the admission of Wardens; unfortunately due to the continuing process of recovery from the Covid pandemic, in 2022 the Visitation services are not taking place and so there's no readily-available mechanism for distribution of printed copies.

While this year's Admission of Churchwardens is taking place within parishes, Wardens and others are encouraged to download a PDF copy of Archdeacons' Visitation News for 2022. In addition to advice and other items from publishers Ecclesiastical Insurance about fundraising, security and insurance issues, it includes news from the Diocese of York about

  • Living Christ's Story as a process of reaching out, changing and choosing for the future
  • Churchwardens exercising oversight
  • Help for looking after your church
  • Learning and development in Safeguarding
  • 'Why I am a Churchwarden'