The global Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time which has generated a much greater public awareness of the need for green space. Many of our churches are surrounded by churchyards or gardens, which – added together – span a green area as large as a national park.

Does your churchyard or church garden have room for a new tree? Launching at the Chelsea Flower Show, a unique tree planting campaign across the United Kingdom will mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Across the United Kingdom, people will be encouraged to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee” through The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. Best of all – 3 million saplings will be made available for free to charities, schools, scout groups, community groups and landowners. More information will be available after 17th May 2021:

Throughout Her reign, The Queen has planted more than 1,500 trees all over the world and has spoken alongside Sir David Attenborough of the importance of trees in Earth’s future. The Platinum Jubilee will offer an opportunity for people to unite in celebration of The Queen’s lifetime of service. Everyone is encouraged to take part in creating this special gift to Her Majesty by planting, and celebrating, trees at home, and within their community. The campaign will encourage the planting of healthy native trees that will thrive in their environments.

Can you perhaps team up with your local school or parish council, to plant one or more trees at your church? This could be a great opportunity for community engagement and mission.

However, please note that under the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules the planting of a tree(s) in a churchyard requires the approval of the relevant Archdeacon. Approval is obtained by submitting an application via the Church of England’s online faculty system (OFS).

The parish should:

1. Nominate someone, preferably a PCC officer or member, to use the OFS on behalf of each church by registering as an Applicant:

2. The nominated person should submit a List B application, selecting item B7(1) and providing full details of the planting proposal – species, numbers, locations – and photos of the churchyard.

3. The parish must have regard to the guidance issued by the Church Buildings Council as to the planting of trees in churchyards:

4. The species chosen for planting should be native British species, appropriate for churchyard settings not private or municipal gardens:

Please let the Diocesan Green Ambassador know if you are taking part in this initiative, or if you have any further questions: