• Communication isn’t the same as evangelism, but we can’t help people understand God’s love for them if they don’t know who God is.
  • Communication won’t make your messy church, family service, summer fete or flower festival a success, but no-one will come unless you tell them about it.
  • Communication doesn’t make your church grow, but your church won’t grow without it.

We need to tell people about God and God's church, because fewer than ever people know about them. When people think of the church, we’re seen as traditional, establishment, old-fashioned, safe and declining. But mostly, people don’t think about us at all. Over the past 50 years, there’s been a decline in the numbers of people coming to church, and a rise in people who are religiously unaffiliated. This has led to a decline in religious literacy – people just don’t know much about God and the church.

And if we’re not telling the people in our communities about God and the church, no-one else is. On these pages, you’ll find help on how to make the most of the tools you have at hand to share these stories: noticeboards, magazines or newsletters, websites, social media, and your local media.

But it’s also worth thinking strategically about communication. Your PCC or communications group might meet every so often to think about forthcoming stories and opportunities to share them.

If you need any advice or help, please contact the Diocesan Communications Team on 01904 699530 or comms@yorkdiocese.org.