In the Diocese of York we are blessed to live in ‘God’s own county’. The good creation all around us, reflects God's love for us. Created in his image, we have been granted responsibility to represent God as steward of creation. As missionary disciples living Christ’s story, we affirm, with the Five Marks of Mission, our calling ‘to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth’.

  • We celebrate and treasure the gift of God’s creation.

  • We acknowledge in humility and penitence the burden laid upon the world by ‘our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely limitations’ (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 2015)

  • We rejoice in the vision, and gladly accept the challenge, which flows from the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be his agents of transformation and redemption in our world today.

Considering the urgency of the Climate Crisis, the severity of the damage done to God’s creation, and the cruelty of the injustice suffered by our brothers and sisters in those parts of the world that are worst effected by climate change, we seek to minimise the environmental impact of our lives and actions. Good ecology is not an optional extra but a matter of social justice and so is central to what it means to be a follower of Christ.