New analysis from Save the Children has revealed that the 'early learning' gap between disadvantaged four and five year olds and their peers has widened in 76 out of the 152 local authorities in England; a statistic corroborated by recent reports from the Department of Education.

Poor nutrition, and parental stress caused by poverty are part of this complex picture, which means that many children and young people often end up starting their education on 'catch up'.

Many churches are already supplying much needed resources with foodbanks, but they can also provide the supportive network needed for so many young families who feel isolated and overwhelmed, through activities like parent and toddler groups.

Carolyn Edwards, our Children's and Youth Adviser, is putting together packs for churches to support this kind of work, and would love to meet with churches who want to stem the provision gap, or just make a difference for families in their area.