5 Ways for your Church to Get Involved

1. Make use of Generosity Worship Resources

We learn so much of our theology and about our generous God through our worship - make use of these Eucharists and Services of the Word, themed on generosity and gratitude, as well as services of Morning Prayer.

2. Host a Generosity Fika

A Fika is a comfortable cuppa and chat; this half-day programme for small groups to explores God's generosity to us, biblical generosity and generosity around the world. Through short films, reflections and discussion we can be inspired and encouraged to live more generous lives. Fikas can be an enormously effective way of developing a generous culture within your church. Find out more about Generosity Fikas here.

3. Explore activities for Children and Young People

These resources are a framework for Children’s, Young People's and Families' workers and volunteers to use, adapt and breathe life into for Generosity Week. Please bring your own ideas to these activities, remembering the main things to focus on are that the children have fun and remember God’s love and generosity. Access the resource here.

4. Invite a guest speaker

Preaching about generosity is a great way to explore generosity as we gather in worship - and the Generous Giving team are offering to preach in churches across our diocese during Generosity Week. Want to book a guest speaker for your church? Contact us here.

5. Engage with your wider community

There are many ways we can engage with our wider community when exploring generosity - here are a few ideas. Download the flyer here.