Following the confirmation by the Queen of the date of the Archbishop’s retirement, the “Vacancy in See” process by which his successor will be appointed has now begun.

A Vacancy in See committee has been appointed in the diocese to draw up a statement of needs and consider the qualities required in the person who, we pray, is already being prepared by God to lead us as a diocese in the coming years.

The members of the committee include the Dean, the Suffragan Bishops and Archdeacons, our General Synod Representatives and a number of people who have been elected to extend representation from the Archdeaconries.

Four additional individuals have been appointed by Archbishop’s Council to particularly reflect interests that might otherwise have been under-represented by the ex-officio and elected members.

The Statement of Needs, together with other information provided by the diocese and other stakeholders will then be taken forward to the national Crown Nominations Commission and included alongside provincial and national perspectives to inform their work.

The Vacancy-in-See Committee will elect six of their members to join the Crown Nominations Commission as part of the process. Details of the membership of the Vacancy in See committee can be found here.

The six Diocesan representatives will work alongside representatives of the Church of England as a whole, under a lay chair (appointed by the Queen) in the discernment process. They will then make their report to Her Majesty who, advised by the Prime Minister, will make the final appointment to the vacant archiepiscopal see.

Further reading on the process:

Further reading on the Crown Nominations Commission: