Continuing Ministerial Development

Many years ago now, the Mind the Gap report stated that ‘The fundamental purpose of Continuing Ministerial Education is to equip and develop the Church’s ministers in order that they may stimulate and enable the whole Church to participate more fully in the mission of God in the world.’ (Mind the Gap: Integrated Continuing Ministerial Education for the Church’s Ministers. Archbishops’ Council 2001)

In recent years Ministry Division and the Central Readers’ Council have emphasised the importance of Continuing Ministerial Development for all licensed Readers. Licensed Readers soon realise that you cannot learn everything you need to know and understand about ministry during the 2-3 years of initial training. Even after many years of service we recognise that if we want our ministries to remain fresh and effective then we need to be engaged in on-going learning and development - Lifelong learning has become phrase which Readers and Clergy understand to be a significant part of their discipleship and commitment to the Church.

The Diocese of York places high importance on all Readers continually reflecting and learning throughout their active ministry. Personal Development in Ministry Review, which licensed Readers now participate in every three years, encourages us to look ahead and identify specific areas for development and consider how they will be addressed.

CMD Opportunities

The Diocese takes seriously its responsibility and commitment to providing a range of CMD opportunities. The Director of Reader Studies provides an annual programme of CMD events and there are further opportunities available through the Diocesan training team provision. Information is sent out about these in the annual CMD Opportunities booklet, through regular flyers and the training team e: bulletin. We also try to keep details of forthcoming events up to date on the Reader pages of the website. All licensed Readers are provided with a copy of the quarterly National Reader Magazine. Readers may also choose to make their own arrangements for their CMD. This might include short courses, further academic study, retreats, study and training days, placements, structured reading etc – the list goes on!


Many of the Diocesan Reader training events are free or subsidised, but it is also possible to apply for a grant to support your CMD. The grant application form is available through the link below.

Readers as teachers of the Faith

More recently we have begun to explore the role of Reader as teacher as an element of CMD, either through Readers leading local or diocesan learning or training events or by Readers acting as training facilitators. In order to make this work effectively it is important to know what skills and gifts Readers in the diocese have, so if you’re interested in exploring this route as an element of your own CMD, please get in touch with the Director of Reader Studies (contact details here).