If you would find it helpful to explore further online resources, here are some useful links:


  • Parish Resources - a C of E website to support all aspects of stewardship, administration and management in the local church
  • Parish Buying - a C of E buying service to help you save time and money which can then be spent on your church’s mission and ministry
  • Reserves - every PCC needs a reserves policy, and here is guidance on preparing one
  • Legacies - a gift in your Will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within your community; here's how


  • Diocesan Communications - opportunity to sign up to receive newsletters and other communications
  • Parish Returns - advice and support for completing annual returns
  • Diocesan Directory - this online directory launched at the end of 2017 has replaced the printed Diocesan Directory