Our 12-15 March Diocesan Mission, Come and See, included the annual celebration of St Patrick’s Day at St Patrick’s, Patrington (the clue’s in the name), the spectacular parish church known as ‘The Queen of Holderness’. Martin Sheppard allowed his feet a brief tap:

Each year’s Ceilidh (held in St Patrick’s crossing and north transept) is a mission opportunity that brings in local people beyond the regular worshippers and church members.

This year they were joined by Bishop David James, the Revd Jim Trood from Walsall and other members of the visiting Mission Team in South Holderness Deanery.

Bishop David said, “Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven being like a party, and if a party is the closest thing we can go to get to heaven, this is the best place to have mission and to give people a foretaste of what heaven’s like!

“God intends us to laugh and enjoy fun and fellowship together – and if Jesus would do that as part of his mission, then that’s part of our mission too.”