Archdeacons' Visitation News is published each year for our Archdeacons to distribute at the annual spring 'Visitation Service' at which they traditionally admit Churchwardens to office for the next year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic measures, many Churchwardens have been admitted to office locally in their own church this year. This has made it a bit of challenge to distribute the printed copies, and so the 2021 issue is now available to download (along with the 2020 and 2019 issues), from:

In addition to items from publishers Ecclesiastical Insurance about fundraising, security and insurance issues, it includes news from the Diocese of York about

  • the Parish Giving Scheme (and how to introduce it)
  • reflections on Multiply (our outreach to those in their 20s, 30s and 40s)
  • the latest changes to the Quinquennial Inspections system
  • the possible benefits of combining PCCs within a Benefice
  • and some shared experiences of being a Churchwarden during the pandemic.