
We would love our family of schools to spend some time over the next year DISCOVERING more about ‘Our Diocesan Family’.

The 'getting started' resource below gives ideas for in-school displays, reflection areas, and finding out more about what a Diocese is and how it functions.

You can also scroll down for a welcome video from our new Archbishop and some videos and factsheets that will help you DISCOVER more about the Diocese and its people.

The Church of England and The Diocese of York

Find out more about the Church of England, the shape of our diocese and its building; what a diocese is, what an archdeaconry is, what a deanery is, and what a parish is using the downloadable factsheet

Who's Who in our Diocesan Family

Watch the video below and read the downloadable biography to find out about our new Archbishop of York - Stephen Cottrell

Find out more about our four Suffragan Bishops using these videos

Find out more about what Archbishops, Bishops and Archdeacons do and about the symbols they wear in the downloadable factsheet

Introduction to the Archbishop of York