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York Diocesan Synod: meeting 15th March 2025

York Diocesan Synod meets at Huntington School, York, at 9.30am on Saturday 15th March 2025.

York Diocesan Synod meets at Huntington School, York YO32 9WT, at 9.30am on Saturday 15th March 2025.

The Business to be discussed at the meeting is likely to include:

  • Living Christ’s Story
  • Living in Love and Faith
  • General Synod members’ report
  • Annual Reports

The full agenda will be published at least a week before the meeting.

Questions or New Business requests

Under Standing Orders, Diocesan Synod members may submit Questions or request New Business for the Agenda, in writing, signed and sent by email attachment to, or delivered to the Secretary, York Diocesan Synod, Diocese of York, Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XT by hand or by post, by the following dates:

  • New Business for the Agenda: to arrive by 4.00 pm Friday 7th February
  • *Questions, Motions and Amendments arising from the Agenda: to arrive by 4.00pm Friday 7th March
  • *Questions not arising from the Agenda: to arrive by 4.00pm Friday 7th March

* Members are reminded that under Standing Orders they are entitled to submit two original questions for answer at a meeting of the Diocesan Synod, and a member who has asked a question may ask one supplementary question in respect of each original question. Questions shall not ask for an expression of opinion or for the solution of either an abstract legal question or a hypothetical problem, and should relate to the business or duties of the committee chair or officer addressed.

The York Diocesan Synod is the governing body of the Church of England in our diocese.

It considers matters sent to it from General Synod and from deaneries, formulates diocesan policy, advises the Archbishop as appropriate, and votes on the funding of stipends and administration. Lay and ordained members elected by Deanery Synods serve for three years.

All Synod meetings are open and public (unless it is a meeting in closed session for a specific item), but only members are entitled to speak or vote.