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Safeguarding Learning & Training

Introduction to the Learning and Training modules; who needs to do what; how to access the online modules; and dates, times and venues

Learning should be transformative and impactful

Jenny Price

Safeguarding Trainer and Volunteer Coordinator

07800 740001

Kim Phillips

Safeguarding Training Administrator

01904 699508

The Diocese of York is keen to grow a culture of safeguarding, not just within our Parishes but across the whole of the Diocese. To assist us, the National Safeguarding Team have prepared a range of learning pathways to help us begin and continue this process. However, in order that there is consistency in the implementation of this work, we are required to adhere to the material and are regularly asked to confirm that we are always mindful of fidelity in our delivery.

There are a number of pathways i.e. Basic, Foundation, Leadership, Domestic Abuse, Safer Recruitment and People Management and Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. There are several forms of delivery which are; Online access, via Zoom and in person.

Important – Learning modules required for your role need to be undertaken and refreshed on a three-yearly cycle at the highest level.

e-Learning Courses

This takes place through the Church of England National Safeguarding Training Portal covering the following:

Basic Awareness60-90mins

For everyone within Church communities who need to have a basic awareness of safeguarding issues. 

Foundation – 60-90mins

For those who hold positions of responsibility for the safeguarding of others within church settings. 

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse90-120mins

A specialist course exploring the nature and dynamics of domestic abuse, with a focus on church settings. Required for anyone holding the Bishop’s Licence, commission, authorisation or PTO, Spiritual Directors, Bishops Visitors, Pastoral Visitors and Safeguarding Officers.This training should be refreshed every 3 years.

Safer Recruitment and People Management90-120mins

Required for those with responsibility for recruiting and/or administering DBS, inc Ministers/Clergy Senior Staff, Parish Safeguarding Officers, and other Church Officers in a leadership role.

Modern Slavery Training60-90mins

This course, from the Clewer Initiative, aims to provide a general understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking, and how you can recognise & respond to concerns relating to it.

N.B. To book a place on any course please complete the booking form below and submit

Safeguarding Leadership Pathway – online via Zoom:

Required for anyone who has safeguarding leadership responsibilities or responsibilities for leading activities involving children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Pre-requisite to attending a leadership course: Complete the online Basic Awareness and Foundation eLearning modules.

This pathway consists of two sessions with a workbook to be completed. Please allow one week if not more between Sessions one and two. 

Please Note:  If the workbook is not returned 4 working days before the session, then you will be unable to attend.

Session 1

Click to view dates

  • Wednesday 30 October 10am – 11.30 am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 30 October 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 31 October 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Monday 25 November 10am – 11.30 pm via Zoom

  • Thursday 16 January 2pm – 3.30 pm via Zoom
  • Wednesday 22 January 10am – 11.30am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 22 January 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 23 January 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Wednesday 19 February 10am – 11.30 am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 19 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 20 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Wednesday 26 February 10am – 11.30am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 26 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 27 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom

Session 2

Click to view dates

  • Wednesday 27 November 10am – 11.30am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 27 November 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Monday 2 December 10am – 11.30am via Zoom


  • Thursday 30 January 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Wednesday 12 February 10am – 11.30am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 12 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 13 February 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Monday 3 March 10am – 11.30am via Zoom
  • Wednesday 5 March 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 6 March 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom
  • Thursday 13 March 2pm – 3.30pm via Zoom

PTO (Required for Clergy with Permission to Officiate (PTO) only)- online via Zoom or in person:

Pre-requisite to attending a leadership course: Complete the online Basic Awareness and Foundation eLearning modules.

  • Monday 30 September 9.30am – 12.30pm via Zoom 
  • Monday 4 November 9.30am – 12.30pm via Zoom


  • Monday 13 January 9.30am – 12.30 pm via Zoom

Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction – online via Zoom or in person :

Pre-requisite to attending a leadership course: Complete the online Basic Awareness, Foundation and Domestic Abuse eLearning modules.

  • Wednesday 9 October 1.30pm – 4.30pm via Zoom
  • Wednesday 4 December 9.30am – 12.30pm via Zoom


  • Monday 27 January 9.30am – 12.30pm via Zoom

Safeguarding Learning and Training Booking Form

We may use the following details to contact you if there is a need to cancel an event at short notice – this will be a minimum of 2 hours before the start of the event.

Unlike any other training you may have completed, learning about safeguarding and cases can be distressing and, for anyone who has experienced or been involved in an abuse case, this course might be an unwelcome reminder of past experiences. If this applies to you, it may be helpful to seek support, initially from the Diocesan Safeguarding Trainer and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Jenny Price (, who will be able to discuss any additional needs before the training event or contact one of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, who can offer you confidential help and advice.

You will receive a confirmation email on receipt of your booking form. Our intention is that all our courses are full as we are working to a limited budget. We may have a waiting list for training so please contact or if you are unable to attend email

The information collected on this form will only be used for the purposes stated above and will not be shared with anyone outside the Safeguarding Team.

Support available to access Safeguarding Learning:

In the last few years, we have become very accustomed to using Zoom. However, the safeguarding team is aware that the use of computers whether for Zoom sessions or accessing the online pathways present a challenge to several people.

We are also conscious that for some the material discussed can be distressing and cause anxiety.

Who should I contact if I have any questions about the sessions (excluding dates and bookings) or anxieties about the learning and training?

Speak to Jenny Price from the safeguarding team. Jenny leads on all matters relating to safeguarding learning. She can be contacted on

Who should I contact if I have any questions about session dates, bookings and venues?

Speak to Kim Phillips, Safeguarding Learning and Training Administrator

What if I do not have access to the internet or use of a computer/laptop?

Work with another colleague [s], using their or your own laptop. Sometime this might be your parish safeguarding officer. When using the Church of England portal, it is important to create your own account, in this way, the pass certificate will be in your name, and recorded as such.

What if there is a large group struggling to access online learning?

Where there is a large group of people who are struggling to access the online pathways, again contact Jenny and discuss the possibility of a in person session in a venue where there is good Wi-Fi available. To make it worth everyone’s time, there would need to be a group of between 20 and 25 people. In this way it is possible to access the material in the same way as if at home on a personal laptop. Jenny and a co-chair will guide and facilitate discussion. Transferring the material from the portal to a traditional power point presentation is not an option. Jenny and a co-chair have found Saturdays work well and have offered a number of these, successfully completing Basic and Foundation for groups of 20+.

Can someone in our Parish such as the PSO run a session?

Whilst we are aware that there are those whose skills mean they are willing to offer to facilitate local events as above, the requirement to adhere to fidelity of delivery means that this is not possible. The pathways contain several opportunities to check learning, and there is a final ‘test.’ From experience, whilst some of these questions generate rich discussions within the group sessions, there are limited opportunities to proceed following incorrect answers. Being unable to reach the acceptable pass level could compromise a successful outcome and therefore not be an effective use of time.