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Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO)

Thank you so much for taking on the role as Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), which is such an important function in our mission to create safer churches.

Sara Dickinson

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Officer

01904 699524 / 07521 433801

Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO)

We are acutely aware that the PSO post is a voluntary service, and we want to do all we can to enable you to make sure that good safeguarding is happening and to support you as you undertake this task.

The main areas of the PSO role involve helping parishes to understand the need for a positive safeguarding culture where training is undertaken, the parish dashboard is in use and safeguarding concerns are responded to.

Your role as a Parish Safeguarding Officer

The Parish Safeguarding Officer is the key link between the diocese and the parish/s, concerning safeguarding matters. You will have an overview of all church activities involving children, young people, and vulnerable adults, and will seek to ensure the implementation of safeguarding policy. The role can be taken by one person or shared, for example with one person covering children the other, for vulnerable adults.

What are the key tasks of the parish safeguarding officer?

  • Have an overview of all church activities involving children and vulnerable adults and keep a record of these activities.
  • Be familiar with diocesan safeguarding guidance and ensure that leaders of activities are fully aware of, and are implementing, this guidance.
  • Liaise with the incumbent over safeguarding issues.
  • Keep in touch with the leaders of all activities and offer them advice and support over safeguarding matters.
  • Liaise as necessary with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers. Report all concerns or allegations against church officers to the DSA.
  • Attend diocesan safeguarding training offered for PSOs.
  • Assist with safeguarding training in the parish as appropriate.
  • Attend a meeting of the church leadership (PCC) at least annually to ensure safeguarding issues are discussed and that the church leadership adopt the annual Church Safeguarding Policy.
  • Ensure that the Church Safeguarding Policy and contact details is displayed in all church premises.
  • Keep good records of any safeguarding concerns that may arise and ensure that others do the same.
  • Promote inclusiveness in places of worship and within church activities.
  • Keep the church leadership informed of good safeguarding practice.
  • Undertake a regular parish safeguarding self-assessment in the format offered by the diocese

Please register your details below. This ensures we can add you to the safeguarding bulletin mailing list, give you access to your Parish Dashboard and offer you support as you start in role.

Please check the Safeguarding Learning and Training page for PSO training requirements.

Contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team with any questions.

Join us on our next Refresher Learning 

Come and meet other PSOs and members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. This session will strengthen your understanding of your role and equip you to discharge your safeguarding responsibilities. Completion of Basic Awareness, Foundation and Domestic Abuse modules is a prerequisite of attendance.