Admissions to Church Schools
Admissions guidance to admission authorities of Church of England schools
Buildings and Land
Information on the legal framework of building ownership, maintaining and improving the building.
Collective Worship
Guidance and resources for collective worship
Governance in Church Schools and Academies
What governors do, how governors are appointed and governor support.
Growing Faith – Churches, Schools and Households
Growing Faith identifies three areas of focus – the church, the school and the household.
Religious Education
Guidance and resources for religious education
Schools Safeguarding
The DBE has adopted The Church of England’s and Diocese of York’s Safeguarding Policies.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Service Level Agreement for the Diocesan Family of Church Schools and Academies 2023/25
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Information and help on the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools.