The Diocese of York is the Church of England between the Rivers Humber and Tees, and from the Yorkshire coast westwards to around the A1.
Welcome to the Diocese of York in the Church of England
A family of 572 churches and 122 schools in 442 parishes committed to the praise of God through Jesus Christ and service to others. Living Christ’s story day by day through our faith and work led by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell.

Living Christ’s Story
All you need to know about Living Christ’s Story as the theme for the next part of our journey as a Diocesan family.
Who We Are
The Diocese of York is a network of worshipping communities grouped in a number of ways and served by a range of structures and people. As a Diocese we are committed to the praise of God through Jesus Christ and service to others, living Christ’s story day by day through our faith and work led by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell.

The Diocese of York is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults and creating protective and supportive environments where all people, and especially those who may be vulnerable, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey in safety.
How we Support
The Diocese of York offers help, resources and support for churches, schools, ministers as they work and live God’s calling.

For Churches
Support for churches across the Diocese of York.

For Ministers
Support for all those lay and ordained in the Diocese of York

For Schools
Support for schools in the Diocese of York

As Christian people, we are called to a lifelong journey of discipleship. Discipleship is a way of life as followers of Jesus, and is at the heart of our faith. It is about how we live, the place of prayer, the decisions we make, the way we build relationships, the way we shape our actions and behaviours – all leading us to become more like Christ and grow into the people God creates us to be.
Life Events
The love of God is ours for life, and the church has a long tradition of prayers, services and occasions to help you experience that love as you celebrate, mourn or mark changes.
These include Christenings and Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, Funerals.

Revitalised Growth
We’ve received external funding to help us to grow churches of missionary disciples and reach people we currently don’t.
Latest News
Latest news from, for and about the communities and churches of the Diocese of York
Upcoming Events
Latest events occurring across the diocese to equip, support and disciple.