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Governance structure, synods, councils and advisory groups

Diocesan governance structures include diocesan and deanery synods, Archbishop’s Council and the Diocesan Board of Finance, Churchwardens, Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) and their officers.

The Diocese of York is led by the Archbishop of York, acting with the advice and consent of the Diocesan Synod and Archbishop’s Council. Alongside Diocesan Synod, each deanery has a Deanery Synod and each parish or benefice has holds an Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).

York Diocesan Leadership Team

The Archbishop of York, bishops, archdeacons and those who work closely with them to help shape the life and work of the Diocese.

The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell

Archbishop of York

01904 707021

flora winfield

The Rt Revd Dr Flora Winfield

Bishop of Selby

The Rt Revd Dr Eleanor Sanderson

Bishop of Hull

01482 649019

The Rt Revd Barry Hill

Bishop of Whitby

The Venerable Sam Rushton

Archdeacon of York

01904 758241

The Venerable Andy Broom

Archdeacon of the East Riding

01482 881659

The Venerable Dr Amanda Bloor

Archdeacon of Cleveland

01642 706095

Canon Peter Warry

Diocesan Secretary & Chief Executive Officer

01904 699500

The Revd Canon Dr Ian McIntosh

Director of Mission and Ministry

01904 699500

The Revd Dr Jenny Wright

Chaplain to the Archbishop of York

01904 707021

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington

Dean of York Minster

01904 557200

Martin Sheppard

Director of Communications & Parish Resourcing

01904 699530 / 07377 356621

Kathryn Rose

Director of Finance

01904 699534

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Mari Palmer

Diocesan Director of Education (DDE)