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Parish Safeguarding Dashboards

Good safeguarding can involve a significant amount of work, but the Diocese of York’s Safeguarding Team is pleased to be able to offer the Safeguarding Dashboards which will make the task much easier in every parish that adopts them.

Dr Mike Tyler

Safeguarding Administrator

01904 202561

Making Safeguarding easier for our Parishes

Safeguarding Dashboards were developed by Clearly Simpler Limited for use within the Church of England.  

Safeguarding in the Church of England has changed considerably in recent years and is likely to continue changing in the foreseeable future. New policies and procedures are making churches safer, but they have also brought a significant increase in the amount of administration for safeguarding officers. 

Safeguarding Dashboards is addressing this challenge by making safeguarding administration simpler for everyone. It is available free of charge to Church of England churches in our Diocese. 

Access to Safeguarding Dashboards is by invitation only. Learn about dashboard invitations, and what to do if something goes wrong. 

Learn more about Safeguarding Dashboards by watching this introduction.

Contact us using the form below to request access