The members of Diocesan Synod elect from among themselves those who, with the Bishops and Archdeacons, form the Archbishop’s Council.
The Council also serves as the Standing Committee of Diocesan Synod.
Through its meetings, members of Archbishop’s Council offer advice to the Archbishop of York, and also serve as members of two decision-making bodies.
Archbishop’s Council is also the Diocesan Pastoral & Mission Committee and its members, with the exception of those marked *, also serve as the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Board of Finance.
The current members of the Archbishop’s Council are:
- Archbishop of York – The Most Revd & Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell
- Bishop of Whitby – The Rt Revd Paul Ferguson (Vice-Chairman)
- Bishop of Selby – The Rt Revd Dr John Thomson
- Bishop of Hull – The Rt Revd Dr Eleanor Sanderson
- Bishop of Beverley – The Rt Revd Stephen Race
- Archdeacon of Cleveland -The Ven Dr Amanda Bloor
- Archdeacon of East Riding – The Ven Andy Broom
- Archdeacon of York – The Ven Sam Rushton
- Diocesan Secretary & Chief Executive – Canon Peter Warry*
- Chair of the House of Clergy – The Revd Richard Walker
- Chair of the House of Laity – Dr Nick Land
- Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance – Mr Rodney Barton
- The Revd Liz Hassall
- The Revd Becky Lumley
- The Revd Mary Rolls
- The Revd Canon Sue Sheriff
- Miss Karen Banks
- Mr Rodney Barton
- Dr Gill Boag-Munroe
- Canon Ros Brewer
- Dr Neill Burgess
- Dr Diane Craven
- Miss Alison Cundiff
- Dr Nick Land
- Mr Davie Millican
- Dr Graham Parr
- Dr Tim Scott
- The Revd Rob Suekarran
- Director of Finance – Ms Kathryn Rose
- Archbishop’s Chaplain – The Revd Dr Jenny Wright
- Registrar – Ms Louise Connacher
- Director of Education – Mr Andrew Smith
- Director of Mission and Ministry
– The Revd Dr Ian McIntosh - Director of Communications & Parish Resourcing
– Mr Martin Sheppard - Minutes – Mrs Kirsty McCullough
The Trustees are assisted in their work by various sub-committees including:
Finance Sub-Committee
The role of the Finance Sub-committee is to provide focused support to the directors of the YDBF so that they might better enable the mission of the diocese through sound financial management and transparent, open reporting. The responsibilities of the Finance Sub-Committee include
- Approving the Management Accounts
- Monitoring the financial performance of the Diocese against budget and forecast
- Ensuring that appropriate Financial Statements are drawn up
- Making recommendations on and monitoring the operation of the Common Fund including the process of making Free Will Offers
- Reviewing and giving first stage approval to the budget
- Making recommendations for the Board’s approval on levels of stipends, salaries and pension provision
- Acting for the Board in its capacity as Custodian Trustee in relation to third party investments
- Making recommendations to the Board on the appointment of professional advisers
- Monitoring entries in the Risk Register that relate to finance
- Monitoring and reflecting updates to financial regulation
- Ensuring the appropriate provision of HR expertise and policies in order to meet the obligations of the DBF; and
- Undertaking such other work as may be referred to it by the YDBF.
Property Sub-Committee
The Property Sub-Committee undertakes the YDBF’s responsibilities under the Church Property Measure 2018; the Repair of Benefice Building Measure 1972; the PCC (Powers) Measure 1956 and the Incumbents and Churchwardens (Trusts) Measure 1964 (with respect to parochial property); the Endowment and Glebe Measure 1976 (with regard to property assets); and the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure 2011.
Diocesan Board of Education Sub-Committee
The Education Sub-Committee is a statutory sub-committee that exists to fulfil the YDBF’s responsibilities under the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021. In addition to its statutory responsibilities, the committee also oversees the support provided to parishes for their work with children, young people and families.
Diocesan Pastoral & Mission Sub-Committee
As far as is permissible under Ecclesiastical Law the functions of the Pastoral and Mission Committee as set out in the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 have been delegated to the Pastoral and Mission Sub-Committee. The primary function of the Committee is pastoral reorganisation in the Diocese of York, taking account of available clergy numbers and making use of new patterns of ministry. It also oversees the work of diocesan staff in relation to the management of church buildings that have been closed for regular worship, pending their disposal.
Audit Sub-Committee
The role of the committee is to monitor and report on the effectiveness of internal governance procedures and internal controls, including meeting with the external auditors, reviewing the statutory accounts and ensuring that the risk register is being appropriately maintained.