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Deanery Synods

A Deanery Synod serves a deanery, or local group of parishes.

What is a Deanery Synod?

A Deanery Synod serves a deanery, or local group of parishes. It is a body which is representative and deliberative, a body which appoints and elects, which may pass motions to its Diocesan Synod, which may receive actions from Diocesan Synod or General Synod and may provide a forum for its members and others to act. 

It is meant to be sufficiently representative so as to command confidence and sufficiently skilled as to be competent in its business. Deanery Synods are part of the national synodical structure. Unlike PCCs they are not charitable corporate bodies but they are regulated in ecclesiastical law. The Church Representation Rules 2020 state that ‘the Diocesan Synod shall make rules for Deanery Synods’. These include relevant provisions of the Church Representation Rules. Section 5 of the Synodical Government Measure 1969 is also applicable to the business of the Deanery Synod, as it sets out the functions and constitution of a Deanery Synod.

Whilst any electoral roll member may stand for election to Diocesan or General Synod, only lay and ordained members of the Deanery Synod may vote in those elections. This role as a “qualified elector” is important in trying to ensure that those bodies are representatives of the breadth of the parishes across all of our deaneries.

To find out more about the deanery in which you are located, visit the Deaneries page and view the Deanery Map.

Developing Our Deaneries

In March 2017, the Diocesan Synod committed the diocese to a new vision for the life of our deaneries as they seek to become ‘a local network of churches, inspiring, influencing and leading mission and ministry’. It is hoped that as they seek to fulfil this vision and the three purposes of ‘Enabling Mission’, ‘Resourcing Ministry’ and ‘Supporting Relationships,’ they will find renewal in the experience of their life together.

Deanery Publications

The documents below have been produced to support this process.