The Vocations Team: What we do
Our Vocation Advisers walk alongside those who are seeking to respond to a sense of call, or who are desiring to give more in their Christian life. We will explore with you your journey so far, your prayer life, and the ways in which you are already serving. Advisers may suggest reading or practical experience which will help you to grow, or offer advice and guidance in the Christian life. The aim is that we shall all have life in all its fullness.
Some are called to serve in a lay capacity, some in an authorised or licensed ministry, and others to ordination as a deacon or priest.

Foundations in Ministry
The Foundations in Ministry course (formerly called the Deepening Discipleship Project) is for anyone exploring their call to ministry or simply wanting to get more involved in their local churches.

Ordained Ministry
For some, their calling will lead them to ordained ministry as a Deacon or a Priest. We will accompany you through the Shared Discernment Process run by the national church.

Rhythm of Life
Our Diocesan Rhythm of Life is a pattern of holy living for everyone, disciples of all ages, enabling us to become more like Christ.