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27,000 People Enjoy Festival Teesside

A free festival on 8th - 9th June 2024.

hands making a heart shape

Churches from across the Diocese of York were involved in Festival Teesside, on 8-9th June 2024. Festival Teesside was a free festival of music, faith and service, based in Stewart Park, Middlesbrough. 

27,000 people attended the Festival weekend, as well as myriad events in the weeks leading up to it. Over 1,600 adults made a faith commitment during the Festival and are now being linked with local churches. Beyond this, many children and young people heard the good news of Jesus and can choose to engage with follow-up events, as they and their parents see fit.

The Revd David Goodhew, Vicar of St Barnabas, Middlesbrough, said, “Amidst the crowds, there were people from all kinds of minority communities. The event was free, making it accessible for the many Teessiders who struggle economically. The fact that the event passed peacefully and happily was a great witness in itself.

“This means that Festival Teesside was the largest Christian event on the Tees Valley for many years. With 70 churches involved, including many from the Diocese of York, the Festival has also acted as an ‘engine’ for Christian unity – and could be a seed-bed for future initiatives.”

Find out more about the event below: