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Going in the footsteps of St Chad

Sam Rushton, Archdeacon of York, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Diocese of Lichfield

The Ven Sam Rushton

Sam Rushton, Archdeacon of York, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (Diocesan Secretary) of the Diocese of Lichfield.

Sam arrived in York Diocese in 2015 as the new Archdeacon of Cleveland and moved to be Archdeacon of York in 2019, working alongside then-Bishop of Selby Dr John Thomson. Having brought significant gifts and experience in Strategy and Planning from her pre-ordination career with Lloyds Bank, Sam led the development of the Living Christ’s Story vision and strategy work which was agreed by Diocesan Synod in 2022 and which is shaping our current commitment to delivering ‘Revitalised Growth’ across the diocese.

Sam’s ministry as Archdeacon has focused on enabling and equipping ‘ordinary parish ministry’, although as she observes: “When it is working well it is anything but ordinary” adding:

“It has always been my aim to make it easier for parish clergy, Church Wardens, PCCs and ministry leaders to do what they were called to do by God in their local place and not to be discouraged or disabled by the problems around them. So if I have helped anyone to feel more equipped, more encouraged, more appreciated or more listened to during my time here, I’ll count that as success. Although strategies matter, it’s joyful loving disciples of Christ that bring people to Jesus, rather than cleverly-written plans.”

“I want to take that heart into my next role. As a Diocesan CEO I want to make it possible for every parish to serve their local community effectively and with joy, and to bring the Kingdom of God a step closer in their local place every day.

“It is a joy to be returning to Lichfield where I grew up and where I have family. I am looking forward to working with my new colleagues at St Mary’s House and to working alongside my predecessor here in York, Sarah Bullock, now Bishop of Shrewsbury.

“I shall miss the wonderful folk here in North Yorkshire, but it feels somehow fitting to be following in the footsteps of St Chad who journeyed from Lastingham on the edge of the North York Moors to found the church in Lichfield 1350 years ago!”

The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield, said:

“Sam commended herself to us with her career equally divided between banking and diocesan leadership, her passion for parishes and her grasp of what it takes to bring about effective change.

“I commend her to our parishes, communities and equally our committees as someone they can do business with. They will more often than not find that they are on the same side.”

The Most Revd Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York said:

“The Diocese of Lichfield has made an inspired appointment of Sam as its new CEO.

“In the Diocese of York we have known Sam as someone who brings wisdom and experience from inside and outside the church with an analytical mind and a warm heart. So much of our diocesan strategy is down to Sam.

“As Sam finds her feet in Lichfield, we will be praying for her and Peter too, whose work and presence in training and supporting lay ministry has been a blessing to us.

“We will miss her but will continue to work through the themes we have discerned with her help, seeking still to live Christ’s story here in York.

“Sam, you go with our blessing and our love, and our thanks for all you have been to us.”

Sam is married to Peter, a Licensed Lay Minister in York where he is also Deputy Warden of Readers, a regular tutor in ministry training and a co-chair of the Leadership Safeguarding course where many people will have welcomed his calm, kind approach. Sam and Peter look forward to serving a local church once they find their feet in Lichfield: “It will be a joy to be worshipping and serving together in a rooted community of faith again. The local church is where the heart of Christ beats strongest.”

  • Sam will preach at Evensong at York Minster at 4.00pm on Sunday 16th March, and will leave the diocese on 31st March to take up her post at the end of April.