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Jenny heads South – and East

Jenny Wright, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York, will be moving to Ely Cathedral in April

The Revd Dr Jenny Wright, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York, will be moving to Ely Cathedral in April as Residentiary Canon with responsibility for learning and outreach.

Jenny joined the archbishop’s team in 2021, with a varied role encompassing diocesan, provincial and national responsibilities.

Jenny grew up in a mining city in South Africa. She studied Theology at Stellenbosch University, and after living in Sweden, Germany and Singapore moved to train for ordination at the University of Edinburgh. Ordained in the Scottish Episcopal Church, Jenny served in Edinburgh parishes, taught at the Scottish Episcopal Institute and chaired the ‘Church in Society’ committee. She loves to cook and bake, enjoys photography and hopes to play the clarinet again. She is married to Sean with two sons, Alexander and Christopher.

Jenny said, “I look forward to the opportunities and challenges of this new role. I will, however, miss all the lovely people of the York Diocese, particularly my colleagues at Bishopthorpe and the Diocesan Office.

“Yorkshire is a beautiful place to live, and I am going to miss this bit of the country.”