Angela began her role last week, having most recently worked with Missional Youth Church Network (MYCN), a partnership project between the Archbishop of York’s office and Church Army. She has worked with a wide variety of parishes and projects across the country helping them to engage unchurched young people and to share faith in Jesus with them.
Andrew Smith, Diocesan Director of Education, writes:
It has been great to welcome Angela Brymer to her new role as the Children and Youth Lead Adviser for the Diocese of York. Angela took up post on 8th April and will be spending her initial weeks getting to know what is happening across the diocese as well as meeting those engaged with children and youth work. If you have something going on locally that you think would interest Angela, please do be in contact with her.
Angela has lived and worshipped with her family in Bridlington since 2021 and is looking forward to getting to know more people and parishes as we all explore what it means to enable our churches to Grow Younger.
Prior to her work with MYCN Angela worked with the Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award, training school leaders and supporting them in the delivery of social action projects and lessons in both primary and secondary schools and also has 15 years’ experience of working in a diocese having been Youth Ministry Adviser in Southwell and Nottingham.
Angela says, “I’m interested to hear how you are engaging with children, young people and families in your communities, serving both spiritual and practical needs, and look forward to working alongside you to actively live Christ’s story across the Diocese.”
The shared Children and Youth email continues to be monitored for any general enquiries.