Background to Living Christ’s Story
Living Christ’s Story: York Diocese Strategic Plan 2021-2031 was accepted by Diocesan Synod in November 2022. It set out the drivers for change and proposed the development of a strategy for revitalised growth and key milestones for 2026 and 2031, including the achievement of each Ministry Unit meeting the direct costs of ministry and where possible contributing to the shared costs.
Adoption of the plan has enabled numerous individual recommendations to be implemented since 2022, while it proved necessary in 2024 to revise the structures of governance and direction to ensure they remain in step with the leadership and accountability within the Diocese of York as a whole.
Two principal Living Christ’s Story (LCS) workstreams have been identified to support the Deanery Plans which form the basis for revitalised growth :
- Mission, Ministry & Discipleship
- Supporting Parishes
Transformation Programme Board
The Living Christ’s Story Programme Board was created early in 2025 to review and monitor strategic direction. The Programme Board is accountable to Diocesan Synod and to the Archbishop’s Council which is also the Diocesan Board of Finance.
The Programme Board has the following membership:
Bishop of Selby – Chair | Chair of the House of Clergy |
Diocesan Secretary / CEO | Chair of the House of Laity |
National Vision & Strategy Consultant | An Area Dean |
2 x Co-opted Members | A Lay Dean |
In addition the following are in attendance at Programme Board meetings:
Director of Finance | Deputy Diocesan Secretary |
Director of Mission & Ministry | Head of Communications |
Head of Programme Delivery |
The Programme Board gives a clear steer on delivery approaches to those leading projects and pieces of work aligned to Living Christ’s Story and to the revitalised growth strategy, and discusses general strategies and opportunities for planning and implementation.
It ensures projects remain aligned to strategic priorities, stay on track and deliver desired results. It seeks to ensure that work delivered is of quality and meets the agreed scope of the Living Christ’s Story vision and strategy.
The Programme Board works closely with the York Diocesan Leadership Team to resolve practical issues arising between the intersecting roles and responsibilities of those on the ground, enabling effective collaboration and holding the appropriate balance between Living Christ’s Story priorities and those of existing ministry and mission.
Delivery Programmes and Enabling Activities
The principal workstreams to deliver Living Christ’s Story are:
- Mission, Ministry & Discipleship
- Supporting Parishes (formerly Transforming Structures)
Each has a sponsor and a senior manager who together to share the overall responsibility for the projects in each workstream.
These areas of work, together with the vital work of supporting and resourcing the continuing mission and ministry of the churches and people of the Diocese of York, are underpinned by three broad areas of enabling activity:
- People Deployment
- Data, Finance & Asset Planning
- Communications and Stakeholder Engagement
All areas of the central or pooled activities of the Diocese of York that support the Living Christ’s Story outcomes fit into one of these five categories and are accountable for that work, through the Programme Board, to the Diocesan Synod, whose will as expressed in 2022 they seek to enact.
Living Christ’s Story: how it fits together

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Deaneries are the networks of churches in each locality, inspiring, influencing and leading mission and ministry. They are served by a Deanery Synod and led by an Area Dean and Lay Dean.

Our Vision
‘There are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.’ (John 21.25)

An overview of our current state, what has been done and what is to come?

Who We Are
The people and places that make up the Diocese of York