A new resource has been published to support those affected by church-related harm.
The Diocese of York Safeguarding Team continue to hold a service level agreement with IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services). The agreement means a continuation of vital and important additional support being offered to those members of our Church community who have been hurt or harmed by anyone who is or was connected to the Church.
Alongside the agreement, members of the Survivor Voice Working Group have spent a great deal of time and consideration in taking ownership of the service by naming it ‘Building Hope’ and developing a vital resource which they are excited to share with you.

This resource is available on our website to download, and we will soon have printed copies to send out to our parishes.
For more information about the partnership, please contact Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Sara Dickinson at sara.dickinson@yorkdiocese.org or 01904 699524.
For any safeguarding queries or concerns, please contact safeguarding@yorkdiocese.org.