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Choose Life! A new resource for celebrating creation

Creation isn’t just for Creationtide.

pictures of pages of the choose life resource

A new resource has been launched to help churches celebrate God’s beautiful world on any Sunday of the year. Choose Life has been written and compiled by Diane Craven and the Diocesan Green Ambassador, the Revd Johannes Nobel. It contains suggestions for prayer and worship, combined with ideas for practical action for creation, during every season of the church year.

Johannes Nobel writes: “I became aware that, although most churches are keen to celebrate creation, not all of them are confident in doing so, whether in worship or action. This resource is a gift to our churches, but it contains a challenge too. Now there is no excuse not to celebrate and to take action for creation!”

“We are so fortunate here in God’s own county: The Moors in the North, the Dales in the West, the Humber estuary in the South, and the gorgeous Yorkshire Coast in the East. The glory of creation is never far from our doorstep. But nor are the signs of our lack of care for creation: pollution, fly-tipping, tarmacked-over gardens.”

“I wish that our churches would become beacons of hope for creation. This is about so much more than just reducing our carbon footprint – it is about making space for nature. No matter how small your church, and whether it is in the city or the countryside, never underestimate your influence – with God’s help we can all make a difference. ‘Choose life – that you and your offspring may live.’ (Deuteronomy 30.19)”

Diane Craven writes: “We have made sure that the materials are intergenerational. Many children and young people share a deep anxiety for the future of our planet. Together in Christian communities we need to find a shared language of both lament and hope and find ways to support children and young people in the actions they want to take to treasure the earth and challenge injustice. Choose Life offers materials to begin some of this work.”

Choose Life is available online as a free e-book through the link below – its dedicated website contains print-friendly liturgies for each liturgical season.

A limited number of paper copies – one per benefice – will be distributed through deanery networks over the summer months. Please email for more information.

Choose Life has been funded by a generous grant from the Church of England’s Environment Programme.