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New website for the Diocese of York

A new website serving the Diocese of York is launched today as a major milestone in the development of the diocesan 'Living Christ's Story' strategy.

A new website serving the Diocese of York is launched today as a major milestone in the development of the diocesan ‘Living Christ’s Story’ strategy.

Grant-funded by the national Church of England and replacing a 15-year-old site, the new website is a response to extensive consultation and feedback from across the Diocese of York expressing a need for a more comprehensive and accessible online resource reflecting the richness and variety of the life of the church.

In addition to a new and attractive appearance, flexible navigation and efficient search facility, the new website includes a range of new resources compiled by diocesan teams and departments in response to widespread engagement and feedback from parishes and individuals.

Much of the work involved in commissioning the website from designers Ink and Water of Sheffield has been led by Jonny Hedges, whose three-year post as Digital Transformation Leader for the Dicoese of York is also funded with a national church grant.

Jonny says, “A key part of my job from the beginning has been ‘Design a new website’, and it’s been all over the feedback and conversations I’ve had right across the diocese that this has been something we urgently need.

“Communication and engagement are a key focus of the ‘Living Christ’s Story’ journey in our diocese, and I’m thrilled that we can now launch a website that will equip lay people, clergy and all office holders as well as the wider worshipping community to access information and resources to support them in their roles and their calling.

“Staff are thrilled with the new site and this opportunity to create new resources and make them widely available.

“Engaging with stakeholders – those who can contribute to and benefit from the website in helping to build up the life of the church in this diocese – has given us a great direction and steer.”

There will of course be a bedding-down period, but the site has the scope and capacity to continue developing and growing in response to changing demands and a changing church.

Find the new Diocese of York website at the same address as its predecessor: