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Foundation Governor vacancies

Fangfoss St Martin's CE VA Primary

Closing Date

Sunday 2ns June


Fangfoss St Martin’s CE VA Primary

St Martin’s C.E. VA Primary School, Fangfoss, York YO41 5QG

Tel: 01759 368446


School Governor Vacancy

St Martin’s School is a Church of England voluntary aided primary school in the village of Fangfoss, between Pocklington and Stamford Bridge. It is a small school with 100 pupils aged 3 to 11, from Foundation Stage to Year 6, and has strong links with the village church and the wider community.

The Governing Body of the school is a team of dedicated people who endeavour to create an environment in which pupils, cared for as individuals, are encouraged to reach their full potential. Governors help clarify the strategic vision of the school, rather than the day-to-day operational side of things. We are currently looking for three volunteers to join them as Foundation Governors, and would especially welcome people who have governing experience in a school or different sector, or have been a chair of a board or committee.

Foundation Governors have a special role in preserving and developing the school’s religious character. They need to have a Christian faith, as they play a unique part in strengthening and enriching the dynamic relationship between the school, Church and the wider community.

Anyone with an interest in St Martin’s School or Church can apply to be a Foundation Governor. You do not need to be a resident of Fangfoss, or be a relative of a child at the school. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life; a varied knowledge base and skill set makes a governing body diverse and successful. We value fresh eyes and different ways of thinking!

To find out more about St Martin’s School, please visit or speak to Juliet Robinson, Headteacher, who can be contacted via the school office.