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Rector (House for Duty) of the Benefice of Easington w Liverton

Could God be calling you to our parishes of Easington and Liverton?

Closing Date



Easington, Liverton and Liverton Mines, Cleveland


Mandy Robinson


01642 593 273

Thank you for your interest in the post of House for Duty Rector for the parishes of Easington, Liverton and Liverton Mines

These small communities have ancient origins but (especially in the case of Liverton Mines) have experienced social economic change in recent history.

We hope that the priest who comes here will (like their predecessor, now retired) bring a steady pastoral presence, and will help the small congregations to regain their confidence and grow.

We offer the support and companionship particularly of other clergy serving in other parishes in this coastland part of historic North Yorkshire.

Because of the small population, the post is offered on a House for Duty basis.  We would consider candidates irrespective of age, subject to the normal procedures including those that apply specifically to clergy who have reached the normal age for retirement.

Should you wish to have an informal conversation about this vacancy, please contact

  • The Archdeacon of Cleveland, the Ven Dr Amanda Bloor, / 01642 706 095
  • The Bishop of Whitby, the Rt Revd Paul Ferguson, / 01642 593 273

Expressions of Interest will be warmly welcomed. For more information, please contact Mandy Robinson

Post Specific

  • To encourage and enable collaboration and cooperation between the parishes whilst respecting their individual characters and styles of worship.
  • To help strengthen confidence and outreach and to help the congregations to grow
  • To work with the Deanery Leadership Team and other parishes in order that gifts and skills may be shared across the Deanery
  • To be involved in the life of each community and to build up outreach through social events and the Occasional Offices.   
  • To encourage and enable lay ministries of all kinds.
  • To help to build up effective and confident PCCs and Church Officers.

We are seeking someone who can:

  • Inspire us to become a fully inclusive Benefice, with a downward shift in the average age of participants in church-led activities, including worship
  • Help the three communities spend more time together
  • Help us to increase visits and community activities for vulnerable and lonely people
  • Help us access coherent communication about what’s going on
  • Work alongside us in improving church-led events which share the Christian message, such carol singing
  • Pray with us and for us to become a vibrant, enthusiastic, Christ-like Benefice.

The Diocese of York takes in much of North and East Yorkshire, including the cities of York, Hull and Middlesbrough, and two National Parks. Extending from the River Tees to the River Humber, and from around the A1 road to the incomparable Yorkshire coast, the area is home to around 1.4 million people.

Welcome to the Diocese of York in the Church of England;

· a family of 579 churches and 125 schools in 442 parishes
· committed to the praise of God through Jesus Christ and service to others
· led and guided in their faith and work by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell.

The appointment of a new Archbishop of York has encouraged the reshaping of the Diocesan vision and examination of our priorities. We are determined to become a simpler, bolder, humbler and more diverse church of missionary disciples which is Christ centred and Jesus shaped, ensuring in partnership with other churches that there is a Christian witness in every community. We wish to be a people who are ‘Living Christ’s Story.’

Visit our website here: Diocese of York