A Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) is the statutory body with responsibilities for the promotion of Christian education and for Church schools and academies. Within relevant legislation, the religious authority for Church schools is the DBE for the diocese in which the school is located. The York DBE (YDBE) is the ‘religious authority’ for Church schools in the Diocese of York. Set within this context, the DBE develops strategies to carry out that mission, and ensures that, through its officers, these strategies are translated into action.

What the DBE does
The Diocesan Board of Education promotes understanding of the nature and importance of that mission in the diocese and more widely and celebrates and champions it as an outworking of God’s love for his people.
The Vision, Mission and Strategy of the Diocesan Board of Education
The vision of the DBE is to build flourishing communities in its schools, parishes and homes where every child, young person and those who care for them has a transforming encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ.

Related pages

Schools & Academies
Information and guidance relating to school organisation including academisation

Support for Schools
Help and support on admissions, buildings / land, governance, religious education, collective worship, and other resources to support Church school distinctiveness.

The Diocese of York Educational Trust
The Diocese of York Educational Trust (DYET) is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 07943724.

Training & Events for Schools
Training and events for Headteachers, teachers, Governors and clergy for the academic year 2024/25 in Diocese of York Schools.