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Admissions to Church Schools

Admissions guidance to admission authorities of Church of England schools

headshot mari

Mari Palmer

Diocesan Director of Education (DDE)

The York Diocesan Board of Education (YDBE) provides guidance in relation to admission arrangements for Church of England schools and academies in the Diocese of York.

The relevant admissions authority is responsible for ensuring that the school’s admission arrangements are compliant and that admissions decisions are made in accordance with those arrangements. They are also responsible for arranging admissions appeals. 

Type of school Admissions Authority
Voluntary Controlled schoolsLocal Authority
Voluntary Aided schools
Foundation schools
Governing Body
AcademiesAcademy Trust

The focus of the YDBE guidance is Church school specific areas (e.g. faith based oversubscription criteria), although comment is provided more generally in certain areas. In line with the School Admissions Code, admission authorities of all Church of England schools will need both to take into account the YDBE’s Guidance and to consult with the YDBE when reviewing or revising admissions arrangements, including the school’s published admission number. (This includes consultation prior to any public consultation and as part of the public consultation itself). Timely engagement with the Diocesan education team is essential and schools should be aware of the timetable for review and consultation contained in the YDBE’s guidance. Schools should also apply to the YDBE in the event that a change of age range is proposed to ensure all necessary guidance and consents are obtained.

As well as the YDBE’s guidance, admissions authorities should be familiar with the relevant statutory guidance in relation to admissions. Own admissions authorities are advised to liaise with the local authority and/or other third parties as appropriate to ensure that their admissions arrangements are compliant. 

Key resources can be found below.