As a Statutory Committee of the York Diocesan Board of Finance, the DBE has adopted The Church of England’s and Diocese of York’s Safeguarding Policies.
All Church schools in the Diocese of York are expected to maintain the highest standards in safeguarding policy and practice. All Church schools – Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Academies – come under the statutory oversight of their Local Authority (LA).
LAs maintain statutory responsibility for ensuring the protection of the children within their area. Where there is concern over a child protection matter or when a ‘disclosure’ has been made, Church schools must follow relevant policies and procedures and contact their Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), social services and the police as necessary.
All schools have an appointed designated safeguarding lead officer who has to undergo updated child protection training every 2 years. All schools must maintain a Single Central Record (SCR) of staff, volunteers, governors and members/ trustees/ directors (for academies). It is the responsibility individual schools and multi academy trusts (MATs) to ensure that appropriate safeguarding checks have been undertaken for all governors (including foundation governors) and members/ trustees/ directors.
All schools must implement safer recruitment procedures as set out in the latest guidance: Keeping Children Safe in Education