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The Vision, Mission and Strategy of the DBE

The Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan for the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE)

The vision of the York Diocesan Board of Education (YDBE) seeks to build flourishing communities in its schools, parishes and homes where every child, young person and those who care for them has a transforming encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ.

The Vision

This vision is set within the wider Diocese of York vision of ‘Living Christ’s Story’ and to the national commitment of Growing Faith.

Together, we strive to be a people who are ‘Living Christ’s Story’. We are developing and delivering strategic programmes focused on our goals:

  • Becoming more like Christ
  • Reaching those we currently don’t
  • Growing churches of missionary disciples
  • Transforming our finances and structures

We want to be a simpler, bolder, humbler church, which in its diversity reflects the communities it serves.

Growing Faith is a national commitment to achieve a culture change within the Church of England, so that every aspect of mission and ministry is considered by what it means for children, young people and families. This involves churches, schools and households working together to help children, young people and families flourish and enjoy life in all its fullness.

A Theologically Rooted Vision

In the Church of England’s Vision for Education, Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good, the Church affirms its commitment to education and to the flourishing of all; what is described as ‘promoting educational excellence everywhere, for everyone’ and ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

This vision is one for the whole child, focused on their spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development and expressed in the elements which permeate the vision: Wisdom, Hope, Community, Dignity. These elements provide pupils with a holistic education, an understanding of Christianity, and a commitment to offering an encounter with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith in a way that will enhance their lives.

Therefore, the YDBE seeks to imagine this vision within the Diocese of York. Its vision is to support flourishing communities in its schools, parishes and homes so that every child, young person and those who care for them has this transforming encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ. The YDBE’s mission is to support schools to live out God’s transforming presence in a way that serves the common good of each local community and encourage parishes to see their mission and ministry through the lens of a child or young person.

This is especially relevant in the way that the YDBE supports those in positions of leadership. All school leaders have a clear sense of vocation and for some, this will be a Christian calling. All clergy and children and youth leaders have a clear calling to Christian mission and ministry.

The apostle Paul writing in his letter to the Colossians encourages the Church to be ‘abounding in thanksgiving’, (Col 2:7), and ‘whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’ (Col 3:17).

So, in thankfulness, the YDBE’s vision for children and young people is rooted in God’s purposes; recognises what God has done in the past; and looks forward in anticipation for what, by God’s grace, is still to come within the Diocese of York.

Strategic Priorities

In line with Living Christ’s Story and Growing Faith, the strategic priorities for the YDBE are:

· Church – Creating expressions of church where children, young people and households are actively involved, growing spiritually and having their voices heard.

· School – Creating flourishing Church school communities committed to providing education of the highest quality that is deeply Christian and seeks to serve the common good for their own locality.

· Household – Supportive households growing in confidence to share and nurture the Christian faith at home.