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The Diocesan Policy on Bullying and Harassment

The Venerable Dr Amanda Bloor

Archdeacon of Cleveland

01642 706095

The Diocese of York has adopted a Policy on Bullying and Harassment to encourage behaviours and practices to eliminate both harassment and bullying from relationships and interactions in parishes and within the diocesan administration.

Bullying and harassment can occur within any working or collegial relationship, regardless of the status of those affected or behaving in challenging ways.

The policy sets our principles and standards for all who interact with others within the Diocese, whether clergy or lay, voluntary, stipendiary or salaried. It has been devised by a group convened by Archdeacon of Cleveland Dr Amanda Bloor, who draws on her previous work in promoting the wellbeing of laity and clergy, and approved initially by the Archbishop’s Council and then by Diocesan Synod on the 2nd July 2022.

In addition to offering definitions of both bullying and harassment, the policy offers routes for those affected to raise the issue with independent Harassment Advisers, who will be able to support and advocate on behalf of those who may feel unable to act for themselves.

The Harassment Advisers are:

York Archdeaconry: The Revd Canon Tim Robinson

07535 655272

East Riding Archdeaconry: Ian Stewart

07521 479407

Cleveland Archdeaconry: currently vacant – please contact Archdeacon Amanda in the interim.

01642 706095