Information and resources supporting the MDR process and continuing ministerial development for licensed lay ministers.
There are a number of opportunities for Licensed Lay Ministers to continue their ministerial education and development once they move on from their initial training and formation.
Many years ago, the ‘Mind the Gap’ report stated that ‘The fundamental purpose of Continuing Ministerial Education is to equip and develop the Church’s ministers in order that they may stimulate and enable the whole Church to participate more fully in the mission of God in the world.’
(Mind the Gap: Integrated Continuing Ministerial Education for the Church’s Ministers. Archbishops’ Council 2001)
Licensed ministers soon realise that you cannot learn everything you need to know and understand about ministry during initial training. Even after many years of service we recognise that if we want our ministries to remain fresh and effective then we need to be engaged in on-going learning and development. Lifelong learning has become a concept which Licensed Lay Minister (Readers), Licensed Lay Workers and clergy understand to be a significant part of their discipleship and commitment to the Church.
The Diocese of York places high importance on all lay ministers continually reflecting and learning throughout their active ministry. The Ministerial Development Review (MDR) process, in which licensed lay ministers now participate every three years, encourages us to look ahead and identify specific areas for development and consider how they will be addressed.
There are a number of opportunities for licensed lay ministers to continue their ministerial education and development once they move on from Initial Ministerial Education (IME):
- Archdeaconry and Diocesan events: These will be advertised to all licensed and PTO ministers via the Diocese of York’s fortnightly email The Journal, or through emails sent directly by the Lifelong Learning Team.
- External courses and training days: We encourage licensed lay ministers to attend external courses where appropriate to your learning needs and outcomes from the triennial Ministerial Development Review process. CMD grants may be available on request to support this – see below.
- Taking on other roles: Some lay ministers are asked for, or offer, their skills in areas such as mentoring, teaching on diocesan courses, spiritual direction etc. These are a vital part of personal development as well as contributing to the development of others.
Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) Grants
These are available to all licensed lay ministers who have completed IME Phase 2. CMD grants are centrally budgeted and approved by the CMD Grant Panel. The fundamental criterion is whether making a grant will help broaden and deepen the ministry of the individual requesting it, in the light of consultation and reflection about their recognised learning needs. Grants may be used to develop ministry skills, to deepen faith, and to nourish spirituality. There will usually be an explicit connection between the use of CMD grants and the individual’s Ministerial Development Review.
- The CMD Grant Panel
All applications for financial support with CMD are now administered through the Lifelong Learning Team’s CMD Grant Panel. The panel currently comprises the Director of Lifelong Learning, the Director of Mission and Ministry, the CMD Adviser (when in post) and the Lifelong Learning Administrator.
The panel meets every quarter to process applications. Applications for grants should be sent to the Grant Panel Administrator via training@yorkdiocese.org at least seven days before the Panel meets. Following the Panel meeting the Administrator will contact all applicants to communicate the outcomes of the meeting and to advise about next steps.
Applications should be made on the downloadable forms (available below) and, in the case of courses and events external to the Diocese, accompanied by supporting information.
2025 dates for CMD Grant Panel Meetings
A summary of the criteria and the application process is available in the Guidance document, which you are asked to read before making an application.
LLM CMD Grants Guidance
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