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The Diocese of York Educational Trust

The Diocese of York Educational Trust (DYET) is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 07943724.

Paul Bramley

Interim Diocesan Director of Education (DDE)

The Diocese of York Educational Trust (DYET) works in partnership with the York Diocesan Board of Education (YDBE) to support the YDBE’s work in relation to Church of England academies. DYET is a corporate member of every Multi Academy Trust (Trust) which includes a Church of England school in the Diocese. DYET’s corporate member role is seen as essential to embed a permanent and consistent Foundation presence within every Trust.

Details of the YDBE partner trusts where DYET is a corporate member can be found using the links below:

Any Church of England schools interested in becoming an academy should review the information on the “Academies and the Diocesan Academisation Strategy” section of this website and contact the YDBE’s education team at an early stage.


Details of DYET’s directors (who are also the company’s members) are found below. Appointments are made in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association, which can be located at Companies House.

barry hill

The Rt Revd Barry Hill

Bishop of Whitby

  • Bishop of Whitby, with a key role in the oversight of the Church of England’s work across the Diocese of York

Canon Peter Warry

Diocesan Secretary & Chief Executive Officer

01904 699500

  • Diocesan Secretary & Chief Executive Officer
  • Community school governor for over 17 years
  • Trustee/Director of a number of education and welfare related charities

Previous professional experience includes:

  • Development Director – Cognos Enterprise Planning
  • Operational Research Manager – Nestlé UK

Dr Tim Scott

  • Member of Diocesan Board of Education
  • Member of Diocesan and General Synod
  • Foundation Governor, Archbishop Sentamu Academy in Hull
  • Former university academic in mathematics, graduating from the University of London followed by appointments with the UK Atomic Energy Authority and at the Universities of Southern California, Durham and Hull

Lindy Illingworth

  • Extensive teaching experience, particularly in nursery, primary, FE and HE education
  • Former Head of the Child Studies Department in an FE and HE college
  • Chair and longstanding foundation governor on the board of two rural church schools in the Diocese of York until 2021
  • Former member of York Diocesan Board of Education Schools committee

Dawn Younge

  • Retired teacher and deputy headteacher with a wide range of experience in both community and faith schools, particularly in Early Years
  • Foundation governor and Chair of the Governing body of a rural Church of England school until 2019
  • Director of an educational and ecclesiastical welfare charity