Apart from rising damp or newly arising leaks, the quinquennial inspection process ensures that houses are maintained to a good condition. Newly arising issues will therefore most likely be due to moisture and temperature. The following will support you in looking after your home in the optimum manner to prevent issues arising.
Moisture In Your Home
There are several ways in which moisture can get into your home:
- Rain via leaking roofs, blocked guttering, poorly fitted doors and windows
- Leaks from plumbing faults, failed appliances, poorly sealed bath or shower
- Ground water can rise through walls and floors if the damp proof course isn’t working
- People add moisture to the air by breathing, cooking, frying clothes etc
Moisture build up can cause problems and damage the building if it is not prevented, and if mould begins to appear this can affect your health.
If you see signs of leaks, rainwater entering the property or rising damp this needs to be investigated as soon as possible. Please contact the Property Team and we will arrange for a contractor to visit you.
Managing Condensation In Your Home
Moisture in the air forms condensation when coming into contact with cold surfaces – we all experience condensation on windows at times. Problems arise if the water is allowed to build up to the point of causing damage – if build up is anywhere other than on a window, you may not notice until wallpaper peels or mould begins to grow.
If mould does begin to grow, it is sensible to clean it immediately to minimise health risks, but the underlying issue also needs to be fixed. If there are no leaks or rising damp issues in the property then it is almost certainly caused by condensation.
To help avoid issues with condensation in future there are several things you can do:
- Reduce moisture levels – keep lids on pans, dry clothes outside where possible and ensure tumble dryer is vented to outside
- Ventilate to ensure moist air leaves the house – use the extractor fan when cooking or showering and leave window vents open
- Leave gaps between furniture and walls to enable air circulation
- Avoid cold spots – if you notice gaps between wall insulation and loft insulation speak to the Property Team who can arrange for the risk to be assessed
- Adding more ventilation – if there are problem areas speak to the Property Team. They may be able to support with adding new vents or extractor fans
We are happy for you to take simple steps to reduce draughts – for example letter box flaps and draught excluders – but please don’t fit any new draught-proofing in a room with an existing problem. If you are concerned about a specific area or insulation issues please speak to the Property Team.
Further practical advice is available here:
Dealing wiith Damp and Mould guidance
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